Monday, April 23, 2007

I Heart My DVR

It's true. Ever since my DVR came into my life about 4 months ago, it's become almost as invaluable machine as my computer, TV or beer cooler. It's changed my life in so many ways. I thought the old VCR was a life saver at times (and it was, at times), but this the difference between the light bulb and light-speed. Even my Grandkids and wife can run it and that's saying something.

It's not a Tivo. It's the VCR that comes from Dish Network, which makes no difference to me. It's actually cheaper. The coolest part is that I can schedule my life around it or I can schedule it around me. This is the dual version, meaning that the first choice of recordings happens in the other room if it conflicts with what I'm watching in the living room. For example, tonight, at 7pm, my wife doesn't want to watch Drive. So, we watch Antiques Roadshow instead, while Drive tapes in the other room (and add to the rest of the Drive episodes I have on the hard drive that I can watch at my convenience later. At 8pm, we watch 24 while recording Heroes, then watch Heroes at 9pm. Doesn't get much more convenient than that.

My only real complaint that I have with my DVR is that some stations,such as Comedy Central, USA, Sci-Fi, ESPN and Fox Sports Net, show some shows 2-3 times a day or 5-6 times through the week, just because I program it to record (or autostart) only new episodes, it seems to think that they all need played. So, I have to go in and manually reprogram or skip episodes. Sigh.

But, if that's my only complaint, that's not bad. If you don't have one, check them out. I'm not sorry I did.

P.S. Tonight's TV:24....8 Jacks out of 10
Heroes.....9.5 Hiros out of 10

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