Monday, May 14, 2007

Tonight's TV

Hi, all. This is for all the 24 and Heroes fans out there. The penultimate episodes were on tonight and were great.

I know a lot of vtewers have written 24 off this year, saying that it was derivative of past years and too predictable, among other things. I don't totally agree, but, then again, I'm a die-hard fan and have been since Day 1. I do have some gripes. Too little Kiefer, too much CTU soap opera, not enough snarky Chloe (no, I did not want her to be more "mature";what's the fun there?). I could probably done without the Bauer Family Saga too. However, Peter McNIchol (Tom Lennox) was excellent all season long and, after being a weasel at the start, became quite likable as the season has come to an end. After watching the previews for the Finale, it looks like they're throwing in everything but the kitchen sink (and I might have seen that fly by in one of the explosions). And, stay tuned till the very end. There's supposed to be a 'shocking' cameo appearance from someone in Jack's past. I won't spoil whu it's rumored to be, but if it's true, that will rock.

Heroes, on the other hand, has been a fan favorite all year long (and the critics to a smaller degree). It has been amazing all year, with great cliffhangers, above-average performances, terrific special effects and an almost perfect overall storyline. Nothing changed tonight. The plot rocked and never stopped. I don't think there was a dull moment. My favorite scenes were Micah in the polling booth, Nicki finally becoming Nicki (I hope. I know not a lot of people don't like and/or her plotline, but I have, so becoming aware that Molly was the system HRG abd Matt were wanting to destroy. Sent chills up my spine. I wasn't expecting Thompson to be killed. Next week's Finale should be awesome.

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