Monday, May 7, 2007

Tonight's TV

2 of my favorites are careening toward their finales in 2 weeks; here's what happened tonight.

24:I was spoiled on a couple of the plot points tonight(the CTU raid and the return of Papa Bauer). Not sure I would've guessed them. But, the episode was a cut above the previous episodes and I still am holding out hope that the season will redeem itself. They kept the CTU soap to a minimum, which was good. Milo died (I guess someone had to). Now, I can't wait till next week, when Jack kicks Cheng's gang's asses single handedly and takes names. My Score:8 Bauers out of 10

Heroes: Excellent. Awesome. Fantastic. And, to me, this was a set up show for the next 2 weeks. Not filler, just a set up. Get everyone to NYC, stir briskly and cook. The next 2 weeks should be mind-blowing. And no, I don't know which of the 3 are going to blow up Manhattan. I would assume if it's Sylar, then Ted would be dead, true? IMHO, a set up epi of Heroes is better than a good epi of Jericho (which I like). My Score:10 Hiros out of 10

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