Saturday, March 24, 2007

One small step

Wilkommen.....Bienvenud....Welcome to the maiden post of my 1st weblog. Thank you for reading. If you're wondering what makes this blog different than others, that would be a valid question. This will merely be my take on various subjects, centering mainly on pop culture and the things I like or feel very passionate about. My main targets will be TV, movies, some music, books, comics and any related peripherals such as other blogs and websites.

What you won't find here are negative vibes or a journal of my daily life.I don't like to be negative. There are plenty of people in this world and on the Web to be that way. My daily routine is just that...routine. I do blue collar workhere in the middle of America (Missouri) and it's none too exciting. Someday I might get around to writing about it, but don't hold your breath.

I will make a concerted effort to post something every day. If I can't, I probably shouldn't be doing this. I hope you'll stick with me and tell your friends to check out Alan's Alley. It shouldn't be dull.If I can be half as entertaining as the likes of Peter David or Mark Evanier, I'll consider this a success.

Thanks for reading and coming along for the ride. Feel free to comment. Every little bit helps.

Tomorrow:Must See TV (for me anyway).

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