Thursday, July 5, 2007


'Cloverfield': What the heck is it?
One of the coolest things about Transformers actually happened before the movie started: A trailer for an unnamed J.J. Abrams project premiered before the film, and it's been causing huge amounts of speculation and discussion online.

The movie -- its working title is Cloverfield -- appears to be a monster flick told from the point of view of people on the ground. The trailer depicts a group of New York partygoers who are suddenly interrupted by a huge explosion. Go here for a more detailed description and here to watch it on YouTube; if the video disappears, just search "Cloverfield" to find it again.

A website for the flick has popped up, though right now it only features a photo. It will reportedly be directed by Felicity's Matt Reeves and written by Lost's Drew Godard.

The rumors are swirling: Why all the secrecy? Is this an original monster movie, or does Cloverfield have anything to do with Lost? Is it a Godzilla movie? Is it a Voltron movie? Whatever it is, the publicity campaign is already working.

Posted at 11:21 AM/ET, 07/05/2007 in 'Lost', Movies | Permalink | Comments 26

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